Sparse Solvers

An Experimental Study of Two-level Schwarz Domain-Decomposition Preconditioners on GPUs
Performance Portable Batched Sparse Linear Solvers
High-Performance GMRES Multi-Precision Benchmark: Design, Performance, and Challenges
FROSch Preconditioners for Land Ice Simulations of Greenland and Antarctica
Experimental evaluation of multiprecision strategies for GMRES on GPUs
A Study of Mixed Precision Strategies for GMRES on GPUs
A survey of numerical methods utilizing mixed precision arithmetic
Experimental Evaluation of Multiprecision Strategies for GMRES on GPUs
FROSch Preconditioners for Land Ice Simulations of Greenland and Antarctica
A survey of numerical methods utilizing mixed precision arithmetic
An algebraic sparsified nested dissection algorithm using low-rank approximations
Performance portable supernode-based sparse triangular solver for manycore architectures
Preparing sparse solvers for exascale computing
Scalable asynchronous domain decomposition solvers
A robust hierarchical solver for ill-conditioned systems with applications to ice sheet modeling
A distributed-memory hierarchical solver for general sparse linear systems
Asynchronous one-level and two-level domain decomposition solvers
Ensemble grouping strategies for embedded stochastic collocation methods applied to anisotropic diffusion problems
FROSch: a fast and robust overlapping Schwarz domain decomposition preconditioner based on Xpetra in Trilinos
Tacho: memory-scalable task parallel sparse Cholesky factorization
Basker: Parallel sparse LU factorization utilizing hierarchical parallelism and data layouts
A survey of direct methods for sparse linear systems
Basker: a threaded sparse lu factorization utilizing hierarchical parallelism and data layouts
Domain decomposition preconditioners for communication-avoiding Krylov methods on a hybrid CPU/GPU cluster
Electrical modeling and simulation for stockpile stewardship
Amesos2 and Belos: Direct and iterative solvers for large sparse linear systems
ShyLU: A Hybrid-Hybrid Solver for Multicore Platforms
A study of combinatorial issues in a sparse hybrid solver
Enabling next-generation parallel circuit simulation with Trilinos
Algorithm 887: CHOLMOD, supernodal sparse Cholesky factorization and update/downdate